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Concrete Pemeability Apparatus

Model: ASI-638

Compressor with pressure gauge 0-20 kg/cm sq. with automatic pressure valve and pressure rubber hose.
Suitable for 440 volts A.C. three phase.
Specimen casting mould C.I. for 100 mm dia X 100 mm high cylinders.
Specimen casting mould C.I. for 150 mm dia X 150 mm high cylinders.
Specimen casting mould C.I. for 150 mm cubes.
Blow stove ½ litre capacity. Resin, Bees wax, Wire brush, Chissel, spare glass cylinder 500 cc capacity.


Detailed Description

Concrete Pemeability Apparatus

Model: ASI-635
(Single Cell) Same as above but suitable for 150 mm dia X 150mm high sample.

Concrete Permeability Apparatus

Model: ASI-636
(Three Cell Model) Same as above but suitable three cells for samples size 150 mm dia X 150 mm high.

Concrete Permeability Apparatus

Model: ASI-637
(Single cell) Same as above but suitable for samples size 100 mm dia X 100 mm high.