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Load Frame 5000kgf (Motorized) 10 Speeds

Model: ASI-897


It consists of a cabinet which houses the electrical motor, reduction gear and the turret gear box. The loading is done by the upward movement of the lower platen of approx. 198mm dia. which is firmly fixed to the lead screw. When the lever is set in the neutral position, it isolates the lead screw from the rest of the drive mechanism and the lead screw can be manually moved up or down by operating the handle. The various rates of strain that can be obtained are as follows.

Position of Strain
Setting Lever

Position of Turret Setting Lever










.002 in/min.
.001 in/min.



On the unit are fixed mains switch , a jewel lamp and a forward reverse switch. A relay is fitted inside the cabinet so that in case of a power failure the unit will not restart on its own on resumption of power, unless the switches are operated.
The adjustable cross head can be set at any required height over the two pillars and secured in position by tightening the nuts. It carries a hexagonal proving ring adaptor. A bracket for strain dial gauge (dial) gauge to be ordered extra) is attached to one of the pillars of the load frame. The base with the two pillars and adjustable cross head is detachable and the whole upper portion above the level of the top plate of the cabinet can be fixed in its proper positon with the help of the clamping screws.